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Posted on 2024-05-24

What Is Art?

 Art is an emotion and inner feeling through which we express ourselves  or try to understand others. Art helps to connect with our religion and culture by the form of dance singing and painting can also be, people express their feeling and thought in front of others through dance (like classical dance Bharatanatyam Kathak etc.), in same way singing can also be a medium to express emotion and thoughts, revealed by many musical instrument.

Art in painting has been defined in a different way in which many artists say that one of the ways is to observe and understand the things around you and display them in front of people and throw colors and paper is called visual art.

For example:- In the history of art Artware made by humans, which were made based on their own working style, decorative , documentary, Symbolic, spiritual philosophical and functional or other purpose which makes it easier for humans to communicate over a long period of time.

Artist's View

  • People define art in many ways. According to Leonardo da Vinci, a work of art should arguably communicate an artist's emotions or feelings. Leonardo da Vinci stands that 'art is the queen of all sciences communicating knowledge to all generations of the world. 
  • According to Pablo Picasso art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life. Others have seen what it is and asked why. I have seen what could be and asked why not.
  • The Japanese artist Katsushika Hokusai's Painting(Maple Leaves on a River) uses very simple means to convey fistful Sensations, without showing what an actual river and real leaves looks like in his painting. In this instance, art communicates a Sensation to its audience.
  • Frederic Edwin Church, a famous American landscape artist, created a painting of the Nagara river and falls. This painting came to represent America and for many God's Support for the country because Nagara also used the beauty and power of landscape to symbolise the presence of God in nature.

Art communicates ideas why visual means that can help us see the world in a new and exciting way and strengthen our understanding. In other words, art is a form of language